Chof-Zayin Adar-Rishon in Beis Rivkah Montreal
Beis Rivkah of Montreal marked the day of Chof Zayin Adar Rishon with an inspirational school-wide assembly for Elementary and High School.
A brief explanation of the events of Chof Zayin Adar and its ramifications for us today, was presented in rhyme.
After the recitation of the 12 Pesukim and Maamorei Chazal, the Rebbe’s Kapital and Kapital Chof were said for the safety and security of the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel and throughout the world.
Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, dean of Beis Rivkah, mentioned the Rebbe’s sicha (said less than two months before Chof Zayin Adar) about the previous Rebbe’s inability to speak (in the later years), which put the onus on us that we have to speak and spread his teachings. The Rebbe thereby prepared us for our special shlichus after Chof Zayin Adar to spread Yiddishkeit throughout the world.
Beautiful short clips of the Rebbe by “Dollars”, Farbrengens and a rally, were shown. The students enthusiastically joined the singing of the songs at the Farbrengens and rally. The heartfelt song “With a Tehillim”, which expresses our longing for the Rebbe, was followed by lively Achdus dancing to the song “A Shliach is Never Alone”, which emphasizes the assurance that the Rebbe is always with us.
Following is the text of the above-mentioned poem:
32 years ago, on Chof Zayin Adar Rishon, this day
To the Ohel, our Rebbe had gone, to daven – to pray
To pour out his heart, on behalf of our nation,
The Faithful Shepherd of the 7th generation!
The unthinkable happened – how could it be true?
Gevald! Aibershter, What will we do?
No Sichos, Maamarim, no Dollars, Farbrengen, or rally
Only a rare glimpse of the Rebbe – how could this be?!
2 years later, on the same date, we were struck a-gain
No words, can describe, our shock – our pain!
Would we remain lost in a forest, of darkness – despaired ?
But with his holy vision the Rebbe had prepared.
He taught us how, we remain forever connected
And the path that we follow, is the one, he directed
We delve into his Sichos, and it’s clear to all!
A chossid NEVER, allows himself, to fall!
We continue – we grow, DO EVEN MORE to spread light,
We DO HAVE THE POWER, to reach new heights.
For the Rebbe is with us, though his face we don’t see
He remains our Father and Teacher, our holy Nossi.
He gives us the will, to be steadfast – with KOACH
He inspires us with Wisdom – to be guided by MOACH
His presence is felt, in the Mivtzoyim we do,
His teachings are Emess, and bring light to each Jew
His holy eyes envisioned Geulah, with cla-rity
And he gives us the tools, to make it, re-ality
So on Chof Zayin Adar Rishon, lets resolve as one
We won’t falter or rest until Golus is done.
Once again our Dear Rebbe with joy, we’ll behold
We’ll finally have the Mikdosh Hashlishi
And right nearby, Farbreng with the Rebbe in 770!