BDE: Mrs. Pesha Levertov, 93, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Pesha Levertov OBM, a Crown Heights resident and matriarch of a large Lubavitch family. She passed away on Sunday, the 16th of Adar 1, 5784.

She was 93 years old.

Pessia Levertov was born in Nevel in 1930, the oldest of three children to Chaim Shneur Zalman and Paya Chasya Pruss. She was married to R Sholom Levertov and named after her paternal grandmother.

Her father, a Melamed and Schochet, also worked in a factory that manufactured shoelaces. Her mother, Paya Chasya Pruss (Abolskoi), was the youngest of nine children and a pharmacist. When it became difficult to observe Shabbos due to communism, she closed her store.

Her father lived hachnasas orchim, bringing home a guest each night and teaching Pessia and her sister the alef bais and how to read on Shabbos.

At age 10, when the war started, she began working, helping make socks. Her role models were her uncle Reb Yona Poltaver (Kahn), R Mendel Futerfas, and R Nissan Nemenow.

After World War Two, she escaped Russia with her family joining the ‘Bricha’ escape posing as Polish citizens. The family crossed the border on Yud Tes Kislev and settled in France. It is known that the Frierdiker Rebbe was doing a special reciting of Oz Yoshir during the moments of the group crossing the border.

They family waited for their papers and then spent five years in Paris, where Pessia attended a school started by R’ Zalman Schneerson.

Her mother became the cook in Brunoy, and a shidduch was made between her and R Sholom Levertov, suggested by her aunt. They married in Brunoy’s yeshiva, and a year later, their oldest son was born. In 1953, they arrived in NY.

Pessia helped her husband in his jewelery business. The couple were known for their honesty and integrity. 

They had an open home, welcoming many guests visiting Crown Heights.

She cared for her mother, a young almana, until her passing at 100 years old, with tremendous kibud aim.

Known as a discreet person, she helped the Chevra Kadisha with sewing tachrichim.

She is survived by her children ka”h R Zalman Levertov (Phoenix, Arizona), Mrs Baila Vilenkin (CH), R Dovber Levertov (CH), Mrs Yehudis Lieberman (Ashkelon, Israel), Mrs Dvora Leah Dechter (CH), R Shaul Levertov (CH), R Yossi Levertov (Scottsdale, Arizona), and her siblings Sara Dubinsky and Shmerel Pruss.

She is survived by many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, many of which are shluchim around the world. 

The levaya will be held on Monday in New York at 12:00 at 770 and 1:00 at the bais hachaim – Montefoire Cemetery.

They family will be sitting shiva at 808 Montgomery St, Brooklyn, NY 11213

There will be 4 minyanim

Shachris: 7:00am, 2 at 7:30 and one at 8:30

Mincha 5:30 and maariv bzman

Shiva hours 9:30-12, 2:00-9:30 

The family requests please no visitors between 12-2. 

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

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