Chabad-Lubavitch Partners With JFNA To Address Crisis In Israel

JFNA and local Federations have worked together with Chabad-Lubavitch for many years on a wide variety of projects. Most recently, JFNA and Chabad have partnered in providing emergency assistance to the Jews affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Now they are expanding that cooperation to the present crisis in Israel.

“Jewish Federations of North America are dedicated to the welfare of Jews around the world, and Chabad is a vital partner in that work,” said Eric Fingerhut, President and CEO of the Jewish Federations of North America. Chabad’s partnership in this campaign is meaningful and logical, he noted, as it enhances JFNA’s fundraising efforts and allocations to those in need.

“I am looking forward to seeing how Chabad can use its vast network–not only in raising funds but also in the allocation on the ground in Israel,” said J. David Heller. Heller is the immediate past board chair of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and campaign chair for the Emergency Campaign for Israel. 

Heller is the chair of the second phase in the JFNA’s Ukraine relief effort. “I saw the work Chabad is doing on the ground in Ukraine. I was in Israel as well, where I met orphans taken by Chabad from harm’s way in Ukraine to freedom in Israel. Watching that, and watching how Chabad worked together with the JFNA through that crisis, it only made sense to me that Chabad should be part of this effort as well.”

Rabbi David Eliezrie, who has spearheaded the Chabad partnership with JFNA, said, “Chabad has the boots on the ground, disbursing resources to the survivors. This includes medical care, and trauma treatment; addressing the needs of the broader society in Israel and the hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes, and eventually, the efforts to rebuild that which was destroyed by terrorists.”

“Throughout the US, Chabad and local Federations have partnered in many projects,” Eliezrie noted. “And we’re honored to work together with JFNA on a global level.”

Chabad’s relationship with the Federation has a long history. Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of Chabad’s educational and social services, recalled the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s endorsement 43 years ago, of a UJA/Federation joint campaign. “In view of the growing needs of our brethren, both here and overseas, in particular in the area of Jewish education, I earnestly trust that everyone who is approached for a contribution to this campaign will respond warmly and generously,”  the Rebbe had said.

Now again, said Rabbi Krinsky, Chabad will partner with the Federation “to ameliorate the suffering from the savage attack and ongoing war in our homeland.”

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