Ending tonight – The solution to all of your Pesach expenses!
Did you ever do something that seemed impossible? Take a risk to accomplish what you never thought you could? Buy the raffle ticket that actually won you the prize?
We challenge you to try it! After all, it’s a win-win at the Oholei Torah Power Auction! You win the gift of your dreams, We win an emPOWERed chinuch for our children! And we ALL win the zechus of the Rebbe’s brachos.
But now isn’t the time to bore you with details. We’ll get straight to the point – The grand drawing for the Oholei Torah Power Auction 5784 is TONIGHT!
That means, it is your LAST CALL to buy the winning ticket! Time is ticking, and so is your mazal in the joy-filled month of Adar. Take the risk! Buy your tickets today to support #PureChinuch, and emPOWER your chances to win the prize of your dreams. You never know where it can take you… the sky’s the limit!
Actually, $18,000 is the limit, but even more rewarding than a cash prize is the everlasting impact of your donation. One day, our talmidim will thank you. But for now, we encourage you to jump at the opportunity!
One click and the prize is yours. What are you waiting for?!