BDE: Mussie Sputz, 22, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Mussie Sputz OBM, a young Crown Heights resident and daughter of Yehoshua Dovid and Eidle Sputz. She passed away on Tuesday, the 4th of Adar 1, 5784, following a short illness.
She was 22 years old.
Mussie grew up in a proud Chassidic home, with her parents actively involved in educational institutions and initiatives in the community.
Her father R’ Dovid Sputz is a member of the board of Associated Beth Rivkah Schools, the premier Chabad school for girls in Crown Heights. Her mother Mrs. Eidle Sputz is the Director of Yeled Vyalda Center in Brooklyn.
She was beloved by all of her friends and the people she encountered while learning at Chabad schools and summer camps.
She is survived by her parents Dovid and Eidle Sputz, and siblings Mrs. Shternie Benshimon – Postville, Iowa; Mrs. Cherrie Bistritzky – New Haven, Connecticut; Rabbi Levi Sputz – Reno, Nevada; Mrs. Mimi Pinson – Knoxville, Tennessee; Rochel Sputz, Ari Sputz – Crown Heights; nieces and nephews.
She is survived by her grandparents Rabbi Sholom Menachem Mendel and Zisel Baila (Suzie) Kluwgant of Melbourne, Australia.
The levaya will be held on Wednesday at 1:30 PM at Shomrei Hadas Chaples, 2:30 PM at 770 Eastern Parkway, and 3:30 at Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queens.
The family will be sitting Shiva at 585 Crown Street, with a single minyan for Shachris, Mincha and Maariv.
Baruch Dayan Haemes: Mushka bas Yehoshua Dovid.