Two Stories About Rabbi Dovid Schochet ז״ל

Toronto Shliach Rabbi Yirmi Cohen tells two stories about Rabbi Dovid Schochet ז״ל, a Rav of Toronto for over 40 years. What solution did he recommend to Ariel to improve his Parnassa? Rabbi Schochet and swimming.


  • Shaliach

    A first hand story: A frum lady had a son who was engaged and planning to marry a goya r”l. She came crying to the rov for a yeshuah. The rov asked her if she davens each day. She said, of course. He told her that in שמונה עשרה, she should have special כונה in the brocha of מחיה המתים, because a rosha is like a meis, and Hashem is constantly resurrecting reshoim by having them do teshuva….

  • Shaliach

    A few weeks later, the mother returned to the rov with the good news that her son broke off with the goya. She then told the rov that as she said the brocha of מחיה מתים, she realized that the words after are אתה רב להושיע that “you are a rov for a yeshua”! To this the rov told her that if she wants a רב להושיע, she should go to the Ohel and daven that her son should become shomer Torah u’mitzvos.

  • Shaliach

    Another story was when I visited him at Sloan-Kettering, he was on heavy pain medication. He told his son, “My head isn’t working properly (due to the narcatics)! Ask me a good kaska so that my head will work again!” His son asked him a deep question. The rov listened and thought about it and says, “Ah, that takes a good kasha” and felt that his head is clear thinking again. He was a man of Torah!

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