Friday Night: Annual Kinus Achdus Farbrengen
In what has become a beautiful yearly tradition, the Kinus Hashluchos invites women from the Crown Heights community to join this year’s Oneg Shabbos Farbengens, taking place this Friday night at the Kinus.
Headed by Chairperson Mrs. Channa Mayer of Charlottesville, VA, the annual Farbrengens will take place in the Oholei Torah Ballroom on Friday night beginning at 9:30 P.M. Presenters include Mrs. Chani Baram of Philadelphia, PA, who will share inspiring tales of determination and positive change from Eretz Yisrael; Mrs. Chana Slavaticki of Baltimore, MD, who will speak about “adding light” to our shared journey of Shlichus life; Rabbi Shmuel Lew of London, UK, and Mrs. Chana Lipskier of Reading, PA, who will share heartfelt stories of the Rebbetzin; and Mrs. Alta Goldstein of Naperville, IL, who speak about the Rebbe’s powerful impact on every Jew.
“Throughout the year, the Crown Heights community generously opens their homes for the tens of thousands of people who join the various Shabbatons and Kinusim,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman of the International Conference of Shluchos and Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch. “The Kinus is dedicated to the Shluchos on the frontlines; having the Crown Heights community participate reflects their critical contribution to the Shlichus.”