Thursday: Join the Global Chof Beis Shevat Farbrengen

In honor of Chof Beis Shevat, the 36th Yahrtzeit-Hilulah of our Rebbetzin, Chassidim from around the world will be gathering to mark the day with a special Farbrengen on Thursday evening, Chof Beis Shevat at 9:00 PM near the Rebbe’s Ohel.

The Farbrengen will be addressed by Rabbi Shmuel Lew, London England, and Rabbi Shais Taub, Cedarhurst, NY, and will be emceed by Rabbi Mendel Feller, Twin Cities, Minnesota. A live broadcast will be available at for those who cannot attend in person and transportation from Crown Heights will be provided by

The Rebbe’s appreciation of efforts by Chassidim in tribute to the Rebbetzin and how much this day meant to the Rebbe is well-known. In the Rebbe’s words at the conclusion of the Shiva for the Rebbetzin, “It is customary to conduct a Chassidishe Farbrengen for the elevation of the Neshama. It should be done in a beautiful and dignified manner and with many participants – as many as possible.” This Farbrengen is a great opportunity to fulfill the Rebbe’s wish together with your family in person or online.

To learn more about the life of the Rebbetzin and the day of Chof Beis Shevat in the Rebbe’s presence, visit and browse through the hundreds of useful resources available on the topic.

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