BREAKING: Four Shluchim Appointed As New Members of The Board of Agudas Chasidei Chabad


Breaking news Tuesday morning with the report that four Shluchim were appointed at a special gathering as new members of the Board of Agudas Chasidei Chabad (Aguch).

The four newly appointed members are:

Rabbi Chaim Chaikel Kaplan, the Head Shliach to Tzfas, Eretz Yisroel.

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Wilhelm, Shliach to Knoxville, Tennessee.

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Altein, Shliach to Delaware County, Pennsylvania and head of the Vaad Tamidei Hatemimim.

Rabbi Moshe Wolf, the Shliach who heads the Chabad Mosdos Chinuch in Chicago, IL.

May the appointees have Hatzalacha in their new positions.


  • None live in crown hts

    Just wondering how this would work with none of them living in crown hts. Also one in israel with 7 hr time difference. How will they meet up for meetings- on zoom?

    None in crown hts, none in vicinity of 770.

    I remember difficulties with one of the gabbaim always being in florida when he was needed.

    Why couldnt at least one of these members be near the NY area?

  • shnayer

    Mazel Tov of their appointments!

    Question #1: What is Aguch appointed to do?
    Question #2: What does Aguch actually do?
    Question #3: Why does an average Lubavitcher (like myself) have no idea how to answer the above questions?

  • Aspiring Lubavitcher

    What is missing from this article is that they were first admitted as members of Aguch.

    Most Anash are unaware that Aguch changed its structure and bylaws and the members are one and the same as the members of the board. There are no members of Aguch who are not board members!

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