UPDATED: Appellate Court Returns Their Verdict On 770 Case, and Both Sides Declare Victory

by CrownHeights.info

An Appellate Court hearing the case of Agudas Chasidei Chabad against the Gabboim “Congregation Lubavitch” has returned their decision, and both sides have declared victory.

In summary, it appears that the Appellate Court has granted Agudas Chasidei Chabad control of all buildings associated with 770 Eastern Parkway with the exception of the Shul itself, which they reversed a previous courts decision and gave to the Gabboim “Congregation Lubavitch”, saying that they, the congregation, could not be evicted.

Update: The following statements was shared with CrownHeights.info.

“Notwithstanding any inaccurate claims to the contrary, this was a complete victory for Merkos and Aguch in all material and meaningful aspects. Most importantly, the Court affirmed the judgments against the Gabboim. The Court affirmed the ownership rights of Merkos and Aguch and did not give any credence to the main defenses asserted by the Gabboim,” David S. Abramson, attorney for Merkos and Aguch said. “It is important that everyone know that the Court noted Aguch’s and Merkos’ Court representation that once they regain possession and control of the synagogue, any person who acts with proper decorum will be allowed to worship at the Synagogue.”

Yaacov Behrman, a PR liaison for Chabad explained: “This is my understanding after speaking with the lawyers and others who have been involved in the case for years.

The fact that the proceedings were dismissed against CLI is not relevant, as CLI represented to the Civil Court that they are not in possession of the Shul. To the extent that CLI might now try to claim they are, a Judgment of Ejection was already issued against CLI by Judge Harkavy many years ago in the Supreme Court and affirmed by the Appellate Court. They can’t have it both ways.

When taken together, these two court determinations confirm the full rights of ownership in Aguch and Merkos and their legal ability to restore order, respect, and reverence to the Rebbe’s Shul.”

See the complete legal brief below:


  • Menachem

    Pretty sure you don’t know what your talking about, it seems to be a legal procedure against the gaboim denied. Seems pretty clear gabboim don’t have the right to the shul actually

  • meyer chein

    It is an empty victory.A goy aid that one jew can kick out another Jew from shul. If he does not act to the liking of the On kind of Jew, Despite the fact that the other Jews beleived in the teaching of Lubavitch

  • Lawyer spinning yarns to claim he did something

    They don’t claim to be in possession of the shul and they don’t need to. They claim they have authority to technically run the shul, in accordance with Aguch’s own charter. The judges said they won’t mix into that… So it’s basically a game over. Unless they go to supreme Court, which would be a massive chilul Hashem, with the whole world hearing about these fights… Instead, meditation, expand

  • Lol

    Berman and those lawyers are sours grapes.
    It’s clear the gabboim won the shul. You can dance didan notzach that you won the 302 office away from kotlarsky

    • Ari-free

      It’s clear that “tzfatim” run the shul, not the gabboim. Enjoy the mess while the rest of the Jewish world laughs at lubavitch

  • Lol

    “These two rulings taken together” what’s that even supposed to mean. The appellate ruling supersedes the lower court.
    It’s a savings face acrobatics to try full people I to thinking Aguch won by using a now outdated rulking