The Campaign That Doesn’t End

Recently, we have passed the stretch of time many Chabad Rabbis know as fundraising season. Boruch Hashem, many goals were reached, and campaigns have ended. There is one campaign, however, that does not end – no matter how much time passes.

In this week’s Weekly Maamar Basi L’gani 5748, the Rebbe explains how Hashem gives Yidden an influx of spiritual strengths in order to win our war as Tzivos Hashem. This stems from the drive for victory, midas hanitzachon. It is eternal and unchanging.

Although this seems to be above and contrary to human nature, the Rebbe explains that in fact we have a shaychus to this aspect, and we affect it, and we can even build a connection to it through our avoda.

The Rebbe finishes off that now, in Dor Shvii, especially on yud shvat — especially when it falls out on a Shabbos (like this year) — we need to do our avoda with extra strength in an unchanging and unwavering way, and that will bring about the ultimate inner revelation of this aspect with Moshiach tzidkeinu.

This is our campaign. As we come to Yud Shvat, we need to continue strengthening our hiskashrus to the Rebbe in a way that does not diminish at all. It is constant and unwavering. This campaign does not stop until we reach our goal. Help us reach our goal with the coming of Moshiach.

Project Melukat is dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Akiva Wagner a”h, and is set up to complete this second sefer of Melukat by his yahrzeit, Yud-Zayin Iyar, following a schedule of one Maamar a week.

To join this initiative, please visit

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