R’ Dovid Tennenhaus, Motzoei Shabbos Yud Shevat, 1967, 5727, preparing to go speak to the Rebbe.
Shliach at Chabad of South Broward Reflects on Yud Shevat
by Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus
Shlichus in the seventh generation formally began on the night of the eleventh of Shevat, 5711/1951. Although my father z”l Reb (Avrohom) Dovid Tennenhaus was not a formal Shliach, he did Shlichus for the Rebbe from day one, right after the Rebbe’s first formal Farbrengen as Rebbe.
Yud Shevat is a most memorable day for Chassidim around the world, and this year it takes on added emphasis as it marks 74 years since the Histalkus (passing) of the Frierdiker Rebbe, Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchok Schneersohn (1880-1950), and 73 years since the formal ascent of the mantle of Leadership of the seventh Rebbe, our Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M Schneerson (1902-1994).
For me, Yud Shevat was always special:
1- in 1970/5730, I was Bar Mitzvah shortly after Yud Shevat, and was present for the completion of Moshiach’s Sefer Torah.
2- from 1970-1974/5730-5734, I had 5 times private Yechidus – a private audience with the Rebbe, in honor of my upcoming birthday, including in 1970/5730, before my Bar Mitzvah, when the Rebbe tested me on the Maamor and I said to the Rebbe four paragraphs of the Maamor by heart. After I finished saying the first four paragraphs by heart, the Rebbe asked me several questions about the end of the Maamor. I answered, with some added commentary by my brother Sroli (Rabbi Yisroel z”l), who taught me the Maamor.
3- Once on Shlichus to South Broward, I generally went to the Rebbe on Yud Shevat, and very often took Baalei Batim to the Rebbe for the Yud Shevat Farbrengen.
4- when the Farbrengens were televised on Cable TV, I was very involved in arranging that the Farbrengens were Broadcast in Broward County. At one Yud Shevat, I arranged the Farbrengen to be on 30 Cable Stations in South Florida. Until today, we have Baalei Batim who first encountered Chabad and the Rebbe, at a televised Farbrengen!
One of my favorite “Yud Shevat stories”, I heard from my father. The following is an abridged account: More details of this story can be found in the Booklet “26 Years, 52 Stories”.
On the night of Yud Shvat 5711, the night before the first “formal” Farbrengen of the Rebbe as official Rebbe, it is mentioned in “Yemei Braishis” that many Chassidim from Montreal had Yechidus. My father Reb Dovid Tennenhaus was one of these Chassidim.
The Chassidim from Montreal were from the groups of Chassidim who early on petitioned the Rebbe to officially accept the Nesius ( the leadership as Rebbe). They all, including my father, signed a “Ksav Hiskashrus”, a note committing themselves to be bond to the Rebbe, as a Chossid bonds with his Rebbe.
But when my father entered Yechidus, his “friendship dimension” with the Rebbe took over. He said:
״פאר וואס דארפט דעם רבי׳ן דאס קאפ ווייטיג? דער רבי האט געקענט זיצן רואיג אין א ווינקל לערנען? אן עגמת נפש! מענטשן וועלן באדערן דעם רבי׳ן טאג און נאכט. דער רבי וועט נישט האב׳ן צייט פאר זיך אליין״?
“Why does the Rebbe need this headache? The Rebbe could sit and learn in a corner. Without aggravation. People will bother the Rebbe day and night. The Rebbe will have no time for himself”.
To all this the Rebbe responded: ״אויב איך וועל האבן חסידים וואס וועלן ארבעטן, איז דאס כדאי. ״
“If I have Chassidim who will work, it (becoming Rebbe) is worth it.
The next night, at the historic “First Farbrengen” the Rebbe reiterated this point, that everyone has to do their share, everyone has to “chip in”.
The following Simchas Torah, 1951/5712, the first official Simchas Torah that the Rebbe was Rebbe, my father had the Zchus to dance “one on one” with the Rebbe Hakofos for 45 minutes(!) to the tune of what later became כמופת הייתי. Details of that dance also found in 26 Years 52 Stories.
R’ Dovid Tennenhaus speaking to the Rebbe, Motzoei Shabbos Yud Shevat 5727
Reb Dovid Tennenhaus, my father z”l, who was present at the Rebbe’s first formal Farbrengen and had a private audience with the Rebbe the night before that historic Farbrengen.
In Hallandale Beach Florida this year, there will be many Farbrengens to commemorate Yud Shevat, especially as it is Shabbos.
For several weeks, the Rebbe’s Maamorim of Bosi L’Gani 5724 and 5744 have been studied, in preparation for Yud Shevat, as part of the many Shiurim in the Kollel D’Rav Pinchas Hirschprung which opened earlier this year. The Kollel is located at Congregation Levi Yitzchok-Lubavitch/Chabad of South Broward Headquarters.
On Motzoei Shabbos Yud Shevat, at 9PM, Rabbi Mendel Groner, Shliach of the Rebbe to Eretz Yisroel, Rosh Yeshiva of Kiryat Gat, Israel, and son of the Rebbe’s secretary Rabbi Leibel Groner, z”l, will lead a Yud Shevat Farbrengen for men and women. It promises to be inspiring, uplifting and memorable.
This Main Farbrengen will take place at Congregation Levi Yitzchok-Lubavitch/Chabad of South Broward Headquarters, 1295 East Hallandale Beach Boulevard.
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One Comment
Montrealer Family friend
Is it possible to put the farbrengen live on CH infos Mostar Shabbos please?
Montrealer Family friend
Is it possible to put the farbrengen live on CH infos Mostar Shabbos please?