Packed House at Father-Son Yud Shvat Hachana in Morristown

Cheder Lubavitch of Morristown hosted its annual Hachana L’Yud Shvat Avos U’Bonim Program on Sunday morning in the week leading up to the anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Nesius. 

In a heartwarming display of fathers with sons in hand and the sweet sounds of learning and davening echoing through the auditorium – it was undoubtedly a memorable program.

The morning started with a father-son chavrusa where they learned the ma’amer of Basi L’Gani, followed by shacharis davening.

The program, led by principal Rabbi Ari Wilschanski, brought to everyone’s attention the special nature of preparing for Yud Shvat and gathering to strengthen our brethren in Eretz Yisroel.

Rabbi Yaakov Wagner, Menahel of Tiferes Bachurim of Morristown, NJ shared an overview of this year’s ois and maamarim, driving home the theme and mission imparted to us through the Rebbe’s renowned teachings.

Rabbi Eli Kornfeld, Chabad Shliach at Hunterdon, NJ, shared about Yud Shvat and hiskashrus. His stories captured the attention and imagination of both fathers and sons. 

The program concluded with an interactive presentation, ConnectionPoint video and brunch. Attendees left with a beautifully laminated Mincha-Maariv Tshurah. 

Everyone was visibly uplifted from the morning.