Registration Opens For Global Shabbos Focused On Young Shluchim and Shluchos Worldwide

After months of anticipation, young Shluchim from around the globe will converge for MyShliach’s third annual Shabbos Tzuzamen. Scheduled for 12-15 Adar I for boys and 19-22 Adar I for girls, this year’s global celebration is slated to be the largest yet. What began as a grassroots initiative two years ago is now an annual tradition with over 130 regional Shabbatons expected to take place worldwide.

The global Shabbaton follows a decentralized model, with each host Shliach supplied by MyShliach with all the necessary resources for leading a memorable Shabbaton. A DIY Shabbos Tzuzamen kit filled with engaging games, a structured schedule, souvenirs, and custom Tzuzamen merch is shipped to every location. The young Shluchim and Shluchos are immersed in a program brimming with fun, connection, and meaningful Shabbos experiences from start to finish.

“The beauty of this shabbos is felt in so many ways; to be part of this Shabbos, make new friends, and feel a part of an amazing family gives my children excitement for a long time,” said Rabbi Eli Reyder, Shliach in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, reflecting on Shabbos Tzuzamen’s critical importance. 

Beyond the action-packed schedule, the regional meet-ups emphasize inspiration, singing together, and learning about the incredible merit of being on shlichus. “The young shluchim fulfilling the Rebbe’s shlichus have so much to be proud of. This shabbos plays a big part in them feeling that pride,” says Rabbi Yossi Elberg,  MyShliach Programming Director at Merkos 302.

Shluchim hosting these Shabbatons describe transformative experiences. “It was truly a blast hosting the Shabbos Tzuzamen at our home and Chabad house. The community, the students, and even the waiter were so impressed,” shared Mrs. Chani Bialo Shlucha in Portland, Oregon.

The significant support from MyShliach HQ at Merkos 302 includes dedicated counselors for larger groups of ten or more. And, newly this year, transportation assistance for young Shluchim living very far from their closest Shabbaton location. Rabbi Avi Baitleman, Shabbos Tzuzamen Coordinator, remarks, “The energy of this Shabbos is palpable. We’re committed to ensuring its impact reaches every corner.”

“These Shabbatons provide a vital feeling of connection amongst young Shluchim, fostering a sense of global community and unity,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “Even when apart, these events unite us, empowering each participant with a sense of belonging and shared purpose to continue their unique Shlichusin with joy.”

Registration is now open for Shabbos Tzuzamen 5784. This year, Shabbos Tzuzamen will take place over two weekends, one for boys and another for girls.

Young Shluchim

שבת פרשת תצוה 

Feb 23-24 – י”ד אדר א

Young Shluchos

שבת פרשת כי תשא 

March 1-2- כ”א אדר א

Register as a host or participant today at

For any questions or sponsorship opportunities, please email or WhatsApp: 1 (718) 952-6949.