After Multiple Assaults, The Gabboim Release Statement Banning the “Shvil”, Placing Responsibility for Enforcement on The Yeshivos


In a politically masterful move Sunday evening, the Gabboim of 770 have released a statement banning the “Shvil” in 770, all while placing responsibility of enforcement on the Yeshivas.

Translated from hebrew, the letter says that “No ‘Shvil’ or any similar obstruction is to be created at any point during their time in the 770 shul,” before also saying that each Yeshiva present must send two enforcers to the Shul to ensure compliance.

According to the letter, permission for the Yeshivos to use the shul hinges on the Yeshivos following these new guidelines.

The letter released from the Gabboim comes on the heels of multiple widely shared incidents in which people were assaulted in the ‘Shvil’, once on shabbos in which the bochur was treated by Hatzalah after the incident.

The new rules were met with skepticism as all they practically accomplish is to rid the Gabboim of responsibility for the incidents taking place in the shul under their auspices, and as both the Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva and the Iggud Talmidei Hakvutza claim that the bochurim involved are not students under their schools, it’s doubtful that anything will change.


  • Ari-free

    I understand the skepticism but it does empower others who will stand up and enforce it. The reason for this letter is because even though the tunnels are filled up, that’s just the beginning. People are finally calling out all the other craziness, including even non violent crazy such as dollars and shvils

  • Anonymous

    Why does this belong here? Please stop fanning the flames of mishigoyim, and more, for the whole world to see. What a chilul hashem. You bare responsibility and this has got to stop. Please remove this ‘article’ – a generous term for absolute nonsense.