770 Update: Bochurim Released, Downstairs 770 Repaired
by CrownHeights.info
After a frenzied night of working, contractors brought in to secure the downstairs 770 Shul have allegedly completed their work, repairing the hole in the wall of the Shul and preparing it to reopen tomorrow in time for Shabbos.
While this is a very good thing, it has also led to a series of threats made by the bochurim involved in digging the tunnel against those involved in sealing it up. According to an insider, the threats claimed that action would be taken over shabbos, a time when no video would be on in 770. It remains unclear if these threats were genuine.
The buildings adjacent to 770, primarily the women’s section and Kollel Tiferes Zikeinim have not yet been reopened and no estimate on the date of reopening has been released.
All of the Bochurim who were arrested during the riot in 770 have been released, most with DAT’s (Desk Appearance Tickets), but four were released only after seeing a judge. The lawyer representing the four is Paul Huebner, an attorney known to defend these extremist Bochurim.

The Hanholas HaYeshiva of 770 has released a statement to the bochurim noting that none of the bochurim involved in the incident were students of their Yeshiva, and warned that any Bochurim found to be involved would be expelled.
A large group of hundreds of Shluchim from around the world signed onto a letter condemning the actions that took place in 770 and called on all those capable to take action during this time.
Read The Letter Here: https://www.770.care/
Please hire private guards for INSIDE the shul ! Hashem yeracheim if we will have another bizayon and mechalel Shabbos when the whole world is trying to do better for our family in Israel !
meyer chein
Just behave yourself and stop talking Lashon Harah
Absolutely agreed, should be long term !!!
Yoseph stan
How you are not embarrassed to still walk around and not feel ashamed about what you have done is astonishing, you created the biggest chilul hasham in years all to get a scope. You are the first one to call it tunnels and Jewish blood is on your hands!
Robert Rodgers
I’m curious, as a non-jew, why is this a chilul hasham? Because you’re embarrassed at this news? Stand upright, and tell those who may ask that “yes theological differences exist; yes a tunnel was dug; what of it?” If you did this, there is no shame, no chilul hasham, no harm, right?
Since this isn’t what you’ve said, I conclude you do feel ashamed–find out why, rather than attacking journalists
Yudi Mandel
The work inside the Shul is NOT done. The destructive ideological poster’s and signs that are hung all over the place are still hanging. Until the leadership doesn’t uproot and completely remove this ideology from within Chabad, such actions will continue happening again and again. And worse and worse.
Just like in Israel with the Arabs. Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away.
meyer chein
Are you Jewish?
So you want to uproot Judaism completly?
Did you not know that Reb Yoel Kahn said that the concept of the Rebbe being alive and Moshiach as son interconnected with the Torah, that if you would say that the Rebbe isn’t Moshiach or alive, then you don’t hold of the Aseres Hadiborois.
Mendel, where did Rabbi Kahn say this? Could you give the source?
770 Spledor
How can you say it is repaired, the panels are not the same.
#1 the panels the rebbe looked at with his holy eyes, the panels which absorbed years of being in the Rebbe’s presence, are now gone, destroyed by these hoodlums, if & when they would need to come down for the correct reasons they would of been handled with love & care.
#2 These new panels do not match, they look hideous.
To say nothing of that stupid declaration of faith as depicted in the upper left corner of the picture above. And before you start quoting chapter-and-verse of sichos I ask if that phrase is not a derech Emori.
who didn’t – couldn’t or wouldn’t match the panels.
good thing you’re not in charge. you wouldn’t have repaired anything because the rebbe didn’t look at it
The walls of 770 have been renovated, so not the same walls that the Rebbe looked at BTW
What a Shame and a SHAM
Hanhala has several Mashgichim in 770 who are paid to supervise everyone learning in 770.
These Yeshiva Employees, Mashgichim, Mashpiim, משיב and more were all present at the time yet none called the Police.
So Yeshiva Hanhala Employees ARE implicitly involved and responsible for their lack of law enforcement, enforcement of Halacha and enforcement of secular law and enforcement of שכל הפשוט
Illegal secret extension was wrong. But I like their idea of a low-key extension, removing walls and excavating under buildings behind. Could be done properly, with permits from city, review by engineers, proper underpinning. I wish Agudas/Merkos and Gabbaoim would stop fighting and agree to it. Less ambitious expansion now does not rule out the possibility of grander visions in the future.