BDE: Mrs. Zahava Druin, 83, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Zahava Druin OBM, a beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother and the matriarch of a beautiful, large Lubavitch family from North Miami Beach, FL. She passed away on Tuesday, the 28th of Teves, 5784.
She was 83 years old.
Mrs. Zahava Druin was married to Rabbi Gedalia Druin, and together they raised a beautiful family with all her descendants Shomer Torah and Mitzvos.
Mrs. Zahava Druin was involved with and performed an endless amount of chessed deeds in Israel, Monsey and Miami. She was heavily involved with Tomchei Shabbos in North Miami Beach, and used to personally deliver food packages every week while using that opportunity to create a relationship with every family by listening and supporting them. Her heart and soul was invested with all those she came in contact with.
She was the mikvah lady in Yerushalyim and later in Miami Beach for many years, and was involved with the local Chevra Kadisha.
Together with her husband and children, they lived in Migdal near Teverya on the Kinnert and later for many years in Yerushalyim and Kfar Chabad.
Amongst her teachings, she was known to always say: “To be kind is more important than to be right.”
And “People need not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.”
She had a deep love for the Eretz Yisrael and would always bless others with the words of פקוד פקדתי אתכם that we should all be there when Moshiach arrives.
She was extremely dedicated to her family and was invested in their physical health, and their spiritual growth. Her focus and driving desire was that we should always know and be aware that Hashem’s will is that His nation should feel and know His love.
A true אשה יראת ה׳.
Mrs. Druin is survived by her husband and children, Rabbi Gedalia Druin (North Miami Beach, FL), Rabbi Moshe Druin (North Miami Beach, FL), Mrs. Ora Koenig (Monsey, NY), Rabbi Michoel Druin (Crown Heights), Rabbi Chaim Druin (North Miami Beach, FL), Rabbi Shmully Druin (North Miami Beach, FL), Mrs. Shulamis Tyberg (North Miami Beach, FL), and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The Levaya took place on Wednesday.
The family is sitting Shiva at 1135 NE 177th St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162.
Shachris 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 x2
Mincha 5:35 x4
Maariv 6:13 x4
Shiva visiting hours are 9:00am-12:00pm, and 4:00pm-9:00pm
Memories and to reach the family, you can email ZahavaDruinMemorial@gmail.com
Zahava Golda bas Baruch Binyamin
Baruch Dayan Hoemes