Three Israeli Ministers, Eleven Knesset Members Thank Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida
Three Israeli Ministers and eleven Knesset Members thanked Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida for their help with Israeli soldiers and citizens during this war.
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz and Rabbi Meir Simcha Minkowicz went on a solidarity mission to Israel sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida as well as Friends of Israel from Houston Texas. The mission’s name was שמחה פורץ גדר, Joy Breaks Barriers, as the Rebbe taught us that the way to go out of difficult and challenging times is, despite the difficulties, to move forward and with Simcha we will overcome all barriers.
Rabbi Yitzchok and Meir Simcha organized every day barbecues for the soldiers with music. The soldiers were extremely grateful and said the simple fact that you showed up gives us tremendous Chizuk and energy to keep on going.
The Israeli Army that’s in charge of displaced families in hotels reached out to Rabbi Minkowicz with a request to help entertain the children, and that many children have not celebrated their birthdays. Rabbi Minkowicz organized huge birthday parties in the hotels for the children, with live music, clowns, face painting, balloons, magic shows, games and lots of good food.
One of the Israeli Ministers met Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz and Rabbi Meir Simcha Minkowicz the Minister was moved by Rabbi Minkowicz’z work with the Israeli soldiers and the displaced families. The minister gave Rabbi Minkowicz his contact and invited him to the Knesset to meet the other Ministers and Knesset Members.
Berel Crombie who does tremendous work for Klal Yisroel joined Rabbi Minkowicz to many of the Meetings at the Knesset.
The Ministers and Knesset Members that Rabbi Minkowicz met thanked Chabad.
Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich-Minister of Education Yoav Kisch-Minister of Transport and Road Safety Uri Maklev-Knesset Member Yitzhak Kroizer-Knesset Member Yitzhak Pindrus-Knesset Member Meir Porush-Knesset Member Moshe Gafni-Knesset Member Yisrael Eichler-Knesset Member Eliyahu Revivo-Knesset Member Zvi Sukkot-Knesset Member Michal Waldiger-Knesset Member Simcha Rothman-Knesset Member Moshe Saada-Knesset Member Danny Danon