770 UPDATE: 770 Officially Gets Vacate Order, Construction Begins To Repair The Building

by CrownHeights.info

The 770 building was closed throughout the day Wednesday but action was taking place at record speed to get the building back open, possibly even in time for Shabbos.

The Department of Buildings made their official decision Wednesday afternoon, officially placing vacate orders on 770, the Kingston Ave entrance to Kollel Tiferes Zikeinim, and the corner building which housed the Mikvah by which the the bochurim began their tunnel. With the decision officially made by the DOB, the possibility to repair the damage became feasable.

The powers that be went into action at record speed.

By this evening cement trucks and contractors were already at work beginning to seal off the illegal tunnel hollowed out area under the Kingston Ave women’s section, allowing the workers to then turn to the hole in the wall and begin repairs.

According to unconfirmed reports, there is a small possible window in which repairs could be done and the building partially opened to the public in time for Shabbos.

As the workers began the repair work, a group of bochurim, some who were just recently released from the 71st precinct, attempted to intervene, but a large presence by the NYPD quickly quashed any attempts at sabotage.

Update: The Department of Buildings has released its findings from their inspection of 770. See post below.


    • Anonymous

      What’s a teenager? I’m happy they are fulfilling the rebbe’s sichos and not doing other things.

  • Anonymous

    Vacate not just from the building vacate Aguch vacate gabboim vacate all the old do nothing leadership

    • Chossid

      Excuse me? Aguch was put in charge by the Rebbe and they would love to do what has to be done if they could just have the law on their side finally

  • very disappointed

    it is interesting to note that the hanhala ais quiet they have not maybe are afraid to read he riot act say anything to them.These animals have to be told they either stop and behave listen or they are on the next plane back.AS for the group of 9 at least they should immediately be removed from here put back on a plane to israel etc. Bounce Zarchi &hire2 new enforcers

  • mendel

    This is Mendel from the Chabad Media Department.
    Due to the cultural sensitivity of this matter, many global news sites are making erroneous claims because of a lack of knowledge and understanding in this matter.
    If you would like to talk with an “Insider” with a thorough understanding of the incident from multiple perspectives, please send me an email to ChabadHQ@hotmail.com.
    Best Wishes,

  • Motti

    The guys who were arrested were dancing in the streets when they were released. What is going to stop them attempting to damage the building again? Why have they not been sent home?

  • I think the expansion is important

    It’s a pity that the leadership doesn’t take this OPPORTUNITY to actually expand 770 right away.

    If the old guard doesn’t get it they will be irrelevant in the new world. Dorm hamidbar seems to have lost the plot. Sad to see them loose it. #teamtmimim

  • Yudi Mandel

    Here’s the bottom line. Just like the Israeli leadership for the past 30 years allowed the farce of a dream about a two state solution/Oslo accords to fester, hoping that someday the Arab problem would just go away, we saw the outcome on October 7.
    So to here the Lubavitch “leadership“ allowed for a false ideology of Meshichism to fester for 30 years, hoping it would go away, and now we have this.