LIVE NOW: Annual Hiloula of the Baba Sali Being Held in Crown Heights

The 40th Hiloula of the saintly Baba Sali, Rabbi Yisroel Abuhatzeira זצוק”ל זי”ע, will take place this coming Motzoei Shabbat, on the eve of 4 Shevat, the day of his Yahrzeit.

Merkaz Sefarad Chabad, under the leadership of Rabbi Lazer Avtzon, is once again partnering with Reb Hirschel Lipsker and his wife Annette (a granddaughter of the Baba Sali), and their children and grandchildren, to bring you this uplifting event.

Divrei Torah and Chizuk from esteemed Rabbonim and Mashpiim who will speak about the greatness of the Baba Sali and his special connection with the Rebbe.

Tefilots and Tzedaka will be recited and given for our brethren and sisters in Israel, as well as for all our soldiers and hostages.

Divrei Bracha from Rabbanit Torjeman, daughter of Baba Sali and mother of Mrs Lipsker and Mrs Zaetz, will be broadcast.

A traditional Seudat Melava Malka with live music and Paiytanim will further enhance the evening.

The entire Hiloula will be broadcast live on YouTube, and will also live stream to the Kever of the Tzadik in Netivot, with the opportunity to light candles and request Brachot.

Specially designed bottles of Arak commemorating this 40th year Hiloula, will be auctioned at the event.

Traditional Moroccan attire is strongly suggested for those who have it. All are welcome to give honor to the great Tzadik who was an inspiration to so many.

Separate seating for men and women.

Date: Motzoei Shabbat – January 13th
Time: 800 pm
Place: Ulam Chana
556 Crown Street

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