Co-Director of Living Chassidus Pens Open Letter About 770

An Open Letter to the Jewish Nation

Dear Brothers and Sisters all around the world,

A reminder of the 3 pillars of our lives:

Ahavas Yisroel
Ahavas HaTorah
And Ahavas Hashem

What is currently happening in 770 is so painful and heartbreaking for us all.

But we will NOT stand for any negativity or separation coming into our Jewish nation.

No matter our opinion on the news, we need to make EXTRA efforts to have ahavas Yisroel for each other.

After the horrific events that happened on Simchas Torah (October 7th), we have united, davened, and brought so many miracles and goodness to the world.

We are so close to Moshiach. And that’s why the Satan (negative force) is coming to attack us where it hurts the most.


The Rebbe’s shul.
Our dear shul.

Let’s not let the Satan come and shake us up and separate us.

We ARE an am kadosh!
We ARE the Lamplighters.
We ARE the examples of mentchlichkeit.

Let’s not go into blaming each other and hurting each other.

Let’s not allow this to create arguments and disagreements between husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends.

Hashem does not want our separation. Hashem wants our unity and love for one another.

As a united front we will go through this successfully.

Solutions should be found, but it does not need to be done with harsh words and fighting.

Let’s continue to be a light onto the nations.
Let’s show the world how we take care of business in a respectful and mentchlich way.

Let’s do this with abundant love for each other and with care and respect.

Am Yisroel Chai!
Moshiach Now!!!!

Michal Weiss
Co-Director of Living Chassidus


  • Nonsense

    You have a group of people terrorizing an entire neighborhood. Even our own rebbe these guys terrorists. Didn’t know and understand only one language and we need to speak it very clearly.
    This will not be tolerated here and if it means using harsh words or even being physical by blocking these animals from coming in to our holiest of holy that what needs to be done speaking nice has not helped any

  • Anonymous

    If a thug is breaking into your house or car, wouldn’t you grab a baseball bat and start swinging?? Because it is YOUR house and you wouldn’t “stand by in horror” doing nothing.

    Why didn’t 100 yungerleit storm into 770 with baseball bats and start swinging???
    Because…it wasn’t our house. We felt no achrayus. Shame on us!


    Swing the bat with ahavas yisroel!

  • Kyle Borowsky

    This is a cowardly response to actions that can only be described as absolutely disgusting. These punks have dared to enter the rebbe’s shul, beis rabenu she’bebavel and damage it. Furthermore, in addition to their vandalism they have caused a massive chilul Hashem that will set back the holy work of chabad by decades. Cherem for these low criminals.

    • Concerned

      Where are the roshei yeshivas for these boys? Isnt someone supervising and advising them? Especially that they are in the Rebbe’s shehuna someone must have responsibility…..

  • Sons of Korach

    There can be no excuse for the tunnel, and the destruction of the Shul. This is a shame brought on Chabad and Lubvitch, and many are blaming leaders, implied justification for their actions. It was the bochurs who dug the tunnel, and broke through the wall. Peace and understanding, yes, but a crime is still a crime and accountability for those who did this. Being am Israel does not excuse actions.

  • Ari-free

    People aren’t just going to blame the bochurim. They will blame you for being so nice and fuzzy about them.