Rabbi Chaim Dalfin On the 770 Debacle: “Education Is To Blame, Leadership Either Do What Needs Doing Or Get Out Of The Kitchen”

Author and Historian Rabbi Chaim Dalfin stepped up following last night’s 770 debacle and explained that a lack of education and leadership is to blame. “Leadership, either do what needs to be done, or get out of the kitchen”.


  • CR

    For well over 30 years nobody has been in charge anywhere among ANaSh institutions. Hence the wild, violent ones capable of whipping up the biggest mobs are able to set the agendas. The end result will be collapse. Perhaps literally if load-bearing walls are now being demolished with impunity in 770.

  • Mushkie

    The claim: There wasn’t much we could do last night except stand by in horror.

    Really? If a thug is breaking into your house or car, wouldn’t you grab a baseball bat and start swinging?? Because it is YOUR house and you wouldn’t “stand by in horror” doing nothing.

    Why didn’t 100 yungerleit storm into 770 with baseball bats and start swinging???

    Because…it wasn’t our house. We felt no achrayus!

    • resident

      Dear Mushky,
      What do you expect? from where exactly was this yungerleit suppose to come? Would YOU send your husband to come? When the whole place is being filmed? For what for tomorrow there should be a lawsuit? Its easy to blame and point fingers.
      Its not the responsibility of any one to stop thugs from destruction other than the police. Even they had to use pepper spray to get control.

  • resident

    There is NO YIRAS SHAMAYIM !! Chasidus is not a replacement for Halacha or Yiras Shamayim. These are batlanim. We need to do better. ONLY once some one learns halacha properly can they go on to Chasidus . IF they had Yiras Shamayim they would know this is not the way to act in a shul. IF they knew Halacha they would understand the gravity of causing thousands of dollars in damage to some one.

  • Yankele

    Only 1 of the many things he said in the video is correct. That these wild hoodlums kids from Israel have not received the proper education to RESPECT their Elder Mashpiim.

    These wild Indians have no respect for no one except a fellow wild Indian, just as crazy as themselves.

    Only Rabbi Labkovsky is responsible for giving them an Affidavid without vetting them as not being Terrorists first.

  • Yankel

    The only one responsible for the wild youngsters, is the ULY headquarters Rabbi Labkovsky who gives these non-US kids an Affidavit to get a Visa.

    Non of these hoodlums would be in 770, without Labkovsky’s Affidavit for their Visas.

    The Blame falls squarely on Labkovsky for not getting these hoodlums deported, to dig tunnels in Gaza, instead.

    BAN entire school which produced these Terrorists!!!!