770 Update: Building Taped Off and Closed, Hundreds Find Themselves Without Tefillin, Some Still In Custody

by CrownHeights.info

An unintended consequence to yesterday’s insanity was discovered this morning after hundreds of Crown Heights residents arrived at 770 Eastern Parkway looking to recover their Tefillin from inside, only to discover that the police were not allowing anyone inside the building.

“No one is allowed into 770, to get Teffilin or into the offices,” a Crown Heights resident told CrownHeights.info, noting that they appeared to be awaiting word from the Department of Buildings.

Later on, a limited number of people were allowed in one at a time to retrieve Tefillin left inside.

A person involved in the construction industry broke down to CrownHeights.info the hurdles that 770 would potentially have to face to get permission from the DOB to open.

“Chances are that they are not letting anyone in the building until the DOB comes with engineers and clears it,” the person said. “There will probably be a mandatory vacate order until they get a clearance. The videos show a hole underneath a wall with no support. The support is in the tunnel not underneath the wall, a partition wall between two buildings.”

It could be weeks before the structural issues are resolved and the building reopened.

At the present time, the media limelight remains fixed on the story, with every major news and media outlet covering the incident.

As of this morning twelve people were reportedly still in custody, with no word from the NYPD or others as to if they will face charges or deportation over the incident.


  • Crazy

    I notice not a word from the gabboim. They were threatened? They shouldnt be gabboim as they dont do their job!
    Rabbi krinsky showed who should be in charge after nothing being done for yrs by gabboim

  • meyer chein

    The great lubavitch spreading light all over the world, can’t shed some light on themselves.

  • Mortachai ben Beryl

    There are many ways to accomplish goals. Chabad’s reputation for world leadership in peaceful loving change is experiencing a little blip because of these bochers.
    They have created discourse, and while we are taught to question, their inappropriate actions speak loudly to presumably good intentions badly carried out.
    Lastly, tunnels send a very wrong tone deaf message.

  • Russian engineer

    While what they did is obviously terrible. From a structural perspective it’s not an issue. If you look above the hole there’s a window that spans the entire length of the whole. So obviously the wall wasn’t supporting anything other than the bricks on top of it that lead to the window of the women’s section

  • zalman rozen

    Those Bucherim probably think they are in Soviet Russia fighting against the KGB, the damage they did is not normal.

  • Chabad Spokesman

    This is Mendel from the Chabad Media Department.
    Due to the cultural sensitivity of this matter, many global news sites are making erroneous claims because of a lack of knowledge and understanding in this matter.
    If you would like to talk with an “Insider” with a thorough understanding of the incident from multiple perspectives, please send me an email to ChabadHQ@hotmail.com.
    Best Wishes,