Nostalgia: Camp Gan Israel Montreal ’95 “Miracles and Wonders”


When you leave camp, you never actually leave the amazing memories behind, and in some cases, you may even bring home something of camp to keep with you.

Rabbi Eli Wilansky of Pittsburgh, PA was going through some stuff at the shul where he works, Bnei Emunah-Chabad, when he came across an old tape created in Camp Gan Israel Montreal in 1995. A treasured piece of camp that will now never be lost.

The cassette tape has recordings of songs sung that year featuring Nissan Brenenson and Zalmy Laufer.

While on the topic of memories from Gan Israel Montreal, it was also discovered that Rabbi Yosef Itkin OBM, a Shliach and Rabbi in Pittsburgh, PA who passed away recently, was the Rosh Yeshiva of Camp Gan Israel Montreal Masmidim in the years 1984 and 1985.

While at camp he was Zoiche to join the Masmidim at the Rebbe’s Farbrengens. A picture of him at one of these Farbrengens was found.

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Song 1 – Rebbe Ad Mossai

Song 2 – Two brothers together

Song 3 – I know I must try

Song 4 – Miracles and Wonders

Song 5 – Standing side by side

Song 6 – Lets begin the celebration

Song 7 – The path is paved

Song 8 – But Rebbe, dear Rebbe

Song 9 – As camp comes to an end

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