BDE: Rabbi Chaim Binyomin Burston, 72, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Binyomin Chaim Burston OBM, a famed Rebbe and storyteller who educated hundreds of students throughout his career. He passed away on Shabbos, the 18th of Teves, 5784.

He was 72 years old.

Rabbi Burston was one of the most famous names in storytelling who taught for many years as a Rebbe in Crown Heights.

He is survived by his wife, Chana Baila and children: Pesach Burston (Orange County, NY), Mrs. Rivkah Rochel Greenberg (Crown Heights), Yossi Burston (Los Angeles, CA), Tzvi Burston (Los Angeles, CA), Alti Burston (Los Angeles, CA), Mrs. Frumie Goodman (Crown Heights), Moshe Burston (Los Angeles, CA), Miriam Burston (Los Angeles, CA), and Dovi Burston (Los Angeles, CA), as well as many grandchildren.

Levaya will take place on Sunday in Los Angeles.

Shiva information to be announced.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

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