LIVE NOW: Motzei Shabbos FREE Shows at TOVEEDO

Toveedo. The popular streaming platform that offers hundreds of Torah-based entertainment for boys and girls of all ages and interests. In a day and age where secular children’s videos are no longer the safe place it used to be, prides itself as being the leader in Kosher video entertainment for children. As one subscriber recently described, “what made me take the plunge was because I really wanted my son to be watching age appropriate content that incorporates Yiddishkeit, and with the shows available to me now, I have to keep skipping things.”

Incredible 3D animation, Live-Action films and much more are all on the Toveedo streaming platform. Want to see more without taking the plunge? will be airing 4 free shows on Motzei Shabbos starting December 30. With the long winter nights, many parents and children are looking for quality entertainment in the comfort of their homes. Special guests will include illusionist Shlomo Levinger, hilariously funny ventriloquist Yisroel Silverstein, crafts with Mushky Avton and of course the fantastic science show with Dr. Schnitzel. New episodes from the popular Toodaloo series and top quality 3-D animated show, The Secret Room will be aired as well. Interspersed will be footage and interviews from our very own Toveedo Stars!

So why do a Motzei Shabbos Live show? Many years ago, Chaim Hershkowitz of Toveedo, used to host a Motzei Shabbos radio show and the feedback he received back then, always stuck with him. “I grew up listening to Country Yossi on Motzei Shabbos, and it was a highlight of our week”.  Chaim explains ” When I stopped doing the radio show, I knew I always wanted to get back into it in some capacity. Toveedo is definitely a part of the long Motzei Shabbsim, and  we wanted to do something extra for our subscribers. We also wanted to give parents and children who are not yet subscribers, a taste of some of the amazing videos that we offer with a free live show.” 

It will definitely be something the kids remember, so Tune in on December 30, January 6, January 13 and January 30 for an unbelievable show beginning at 7:00pm.

Show will be streaming exclusively on Toveedo and will be free to watch.

Toveedo can be watched on 

Toveedo can also be downloaded on Smart TV’s such as:

Roku TV, Apple TV and Apple TV

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