Everything Wedding has Helped Thousands, Did It Help You?
Checking the analytics on EverythingWedding.org, I see three others using the site in real time. Someone based in New York, Philadelphia and Florida. As we pass the six month mark of Everything Wedding, there’s been nearly 3,000 users and over 5.5 thousand interactions with the website on six continents. Crazy. We’re reaching people all over, and some are reaching back out to us. We’ve received messages letting us know how amazing, helpful, organized, life-saving the website is. We’re only too happy to hear how useful and necessary this resource proves to be.
Everything Wedding is a one stop site for all L’Chaim and wedding resources. Step by step checklists, vendors, Gemachs, important contacts, and more. Although primarily catering to Crown Heights based Simchos, the lists are adaptable to L’Chaims and weddings made in any location.
But there’s a but. The wedding happens. Everyone goes back to their regular routine. The rush, the lists, the endless planning all behind you, but what about the next family that’s only about to start? If you made a Simcha using Everything Wedding, and you shared it with the next friend or family member, thank you. Thank you on behalf of those who will benefit next. Thank you from us for growing this Mitzvah. Please, give us feedback. Which vendors & Gemachs are we missing? Which details are missing from our checklists? What did we forget or leave out?
Your feedback is important. Help us help you. This is our project. We all want updated, current information at hand when we need it next. Together we can create more Simchos with Simcha.
Click here: https://www.everythingwedding.org/contact-us to make it happen.