Over 7,100 Unite At The Famous Guitar Hotel For Chanukah Concert In South Florida

Over 7,100 Jews from all walks of life filled the famous guitar hotel in Hollywood, Florida for a night of music, Solidarity and Unity for Israel.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz appeared on the screens to express her support for Israel, to fight anti-Semitism, and to speak about being with Rabbi and Rebbitzen Raphael and Goldie Tennenhaus in Israel.

The live part of the Festival started with host Rabbi Aaron Rabin sharing the power of Torah, Tefilah and Tzedaka, followed by a reading of the 12 pesukim led by the children, and a grand menorah lighting led by cantor Rabbi Yossi Lebovics.

Head shliach Rabbi Avraham Korf led the crowd in the Rebbe’s kapitel of Tehillim for the safety and security of the yidden in Eretz Yisroel.

Then all lights were directed at the stage for a magnificent opening created by VisualLive and DW Productions. This visual masterpiece depicted how throughout the generations, the Jewish people have been persecuted, but we continue to stand tall, and to light up every corner of the world, and with that light, we will once again light up the Menorah in the Beis Hamikdash.

The show was infused with nonstop simcha from Benny Friedman, Mordechai Shapiro, Avraham Fried and special guest Idan Raichel.

Rabbi Raphael Tenenhaus of Chabad of South Broward took the stage, and shared with the audience about his experience being in Israel when the war broke out, and how he and his wife Goldie sprung into action, visiting soldiers and Israelis who were displaced from their homes, who survived the massacre, arranging with IDF soldiers challah bakes and Teffilin, and sharing words of encouragement.

Next on the action-packed program was a video of the Rebbe, where the Rebbe explained that we have to be B’Simcha even in the hardest times, and that helps confuse and defeat the enemy.

One of the highlights of the evening came as former IDF soldier Omer Shaish came on to the stage, and led the crowd in a dazzling Mi Shebeirach Lachayalim.

The 7,100 plus crowd then broke out in dance, with pure simcha filling the air.

“This was the best show I have ever attended. My husband and I love music and we have been to some fantastic shows, but the production level and the atmosphere tonight was on a whole other level.” Says Gail, one of the concert goers.

The 44th annual South Florida Chanukah Festival was produced and directed by Dovid Weinbaum of DW Productions.