Miami Beach To Rename Street Dedicated In Memory of Rabbi Pinchus Weberman OBM


The City of Miami Beach will be holding a special ceremony next week with the renaming of a street in honor of the late Rabbi Pinchus Weberman OBM.

Rabbi Pinchus Weberman Dr. will be unveiled at a ceremony on Monday, December 11th at 2:00pm being held at Bonita Dr. and Indian Creek Intersection.

At the Rebbe’s suggestion, Rabbi Weberman OBM had trained as a shochet and a mohel, skills that would come to good use in his long and pioneering rabbinic career.

Under the Rebbe’s guidance, in 1960, the Webermans moved their growing family down to Miami Beach, right around the same time that the Rebbe dispatched Rabbi Avraham and Rivka Korf to found Lubavitch of Florida.

Rabbi Weberman founded the Ohev Shalom congregation of Miami Beach in 1960 before going on to lead the shul for over 54 years. He was also a chaplain well known chaplain in the Miami Beach Police.

He was also the founder and visionary of the Miami Beach Eruv Council.

He passed away on Wednesday, the 28th of Tammuz, 5782.