Families of Russian-Israeli Hostages Travel to Russia to Seek Help
Several families of the hostages in Gaza, who hold Russian citizenship, traveled to Moscow to advocate for their loved ones. The families, citizens of both Russia and Israel, commenced their visit with a meeting with the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar. The delegation initially represented four of the hostages, but thankfully, the family of Roni Krivoi was able to return home after he was released from Gaza.
During the meeting, the families expressed their deep anguish over the lack of minimal information about the fate of their dear ones and shared all the information that had managed to uncover.
The Lizarovich family, relatives of a number of hostages became very emotional when Rabbi Lazar told them that he is acquainted with the family of their abducted sister, Irena Tatti. He had met them in the Chabad shul in Rostov, where they regularly attend prayers every Shabbos and Yom Tov. Now, the grandmother Irena, along with her daughter Yelena Troufanov and grandchild Sasha, are in the hands of Hamas terrorists.
The gathered families heard words of encouragement and emunah, along with important updates, many of which cannot be disclosed, regarding the collective efforts of the Jewish community to secure the release of the captives.
The meeting was attended by Israel’s Ambassador to Russia, Alexander Ben-Zvi, and Consul Eti Binyamin. Throughout their four-day visit to Russia, the families expect to meet with top Russian government officials to raise awareness of the challenging situation of their family members and explore all available options for their prompt release.
The upcoming Yud Tes Kislev event in Moscow, scheduled for the coming Sunday, will also focus on the efforts to free the hostages. A special tefillah for the safety of all captives will be recited, led by a representative of one of the families will lead the prayer, joined by the large crowd praying for the release of all captives and the well-being of our fellow Jewish brethren in Eretz Yisroel.