Raisethon Teams Up With Chabad on Campus To Work With You – “Arm in Arm!”

It’s no secret, Chabad on Campus is waging war.

Not necessarily a war that makes all the headlines, but perhaps one infinitely more consequential.
Indeed, it is a war for the very future of Judaism.

Antisemitism is rabid, and the sad reality is that calling for the destruction of Israel, and overall Jew hatred is “trending”.

On the surface, it cannot be an easy time to be a Jewish college student.
But Chabad on Campus invites you to look below the surface.
There, you will see something astonishing.
Jewish students are not shying away.
Jewish students are not cowering into a corner.
Chabad on Campuses across the globe are, quite literally, busier than they’ve ever been!

What was intended to silence the Jewish student has led to a true renaissance of Jewish pride, and Chabad on Campus is taking the lead.

In fact, this movement of Jewish pride and unity has moved well beyond the courtyards of college campuses.

Chabad on Campus recognized this rejuvenation, and sprung into action.

Raisethon has partnered with Chabad on Campus to create a massive mobilization of support for Chabad on college campuses across the entire world, with the objective to assist each individual Chabad on Campus in their fight, to add fuel to the fire of Jewish pride, and to brings tens of thousands of supporters together behind a common goal:

To combat darkness with light,
To combat hate with love,

Where others seek to silence us, we raise our voices even higher and proclaim in one voice:
Arm in Arm, we stand together!
Arm in Arm, we cannot be defeated!

For 4 years, Raisethon has run the incredible Hatzalahthon fundraiser, raising over $60 Million, increasing the fundraising capabilities of each branch by over 30%, and bringing tens of thousands of Jews together in unity and support.

Stay tuned for more details!

Chabad on Campus,
The Jewish people,
All together, ARM IN ARM!