Chabad of the Berkshires Shares More than 100 Thanksgiving Dinners
Chabad of the Berkshires, led by Rabbi Levi and Sara Volovik, distributed more than 100 kosher Thanksgiving dinners to people in need. The distribution and food preparation were made possible by an army of volunteers from the local community, who joined the Voloviks in cheerfully cooking, baking, packing and delivering the meals.
Chabad of the Berkshires has long prioritized serving the needs of those in financial crisis, as they have launched Project Dignity, which provides vital assistance such as urgent medical care, hunger relief, temporary shelter, funding during financial crisis, counseling during family emergencies and more.
As the nation gathers with family and friends, Chabad has stepped in with a humanitarian campaign to make the day brighter for those in need.
Maybe it’s just me, but isn’t this celebrating Thanksgiving going a bit too far? Chanukah is just around the corner, save the food distribution for JEWISH holidays. But maybe I am wrong and Thanksgiving became one of our Arbah Regalim.
Shluchim should encourage Jews to keep OUR chagim. We have quite an assortment. No need for extra chog’es.
Crown Heightser
No hallel?
Minhag Chabad?
What did the Rebbe say about celebrating Thanksgiving?
I know some poskim are stringent and prohibit ANY form of celebration of this secular holiday.
Even the more lenient psak of Rabbi Feinstein places restrictions, including that it must not be an annual celebration lest it be incorporated as a Jewish holiday.
What did Rebbe say about celebrating secular holidays? (And English birthdays?)
Shluchim help yidden with meals.
With Shabbos meals, I get it.
With Yom tov meals, I get it.
With Thanksgiving meals, huh?
You lost me there.