Shliach, Is Your Community Safe?

In anticipation of the Kinnus Hashluchim, a new campaign has been launched to raise awareness about the importance of every Jew worldwide purchasing a letter in the Unity Letter Sefer Torah.

With exciting new features designed to simplify the process of signing up community members, along with visually appealing newly printed flyers and cards, the campaign aims to motivate every Shliach to respond to the Rebbe’s call to action and ensure the safety of Jews in Israel and globally during these turbulent times.

Rabbi Yitzchok Pruss of the Va’ad Sefer Torah Haklali remarks, “The success we are witnessing is simply unprecedented. Shluchim and Anash all over the world are heeding the Rebbe’s call and signing up tens of thousands of Jews!”

To date, 174,179 letters have been purchased for the tenth Sefer Torah currently being written, with 30,000 letters acquired in the first week of the war alone.

On Erev Rosh Hashanah 5742, the Rebbe initiated the campaign to unite all of Klal Yisroel in one Torah. The Rebbe emphasized that a letter in this Torah serves as a security guarantee and an added measure of protection for the buyer.

Each Torah comprises 304,805 letters, and over the past 42 years, more than 3 million Jews have bought letters in nine Sifrei Torah.

Since the outbreak of the war on Simchas Torah, Chabad Shluchim worldwide have been at the forefront of the campaign to secure a Letter in the Torah for every Jew, complete the tenth Sefer Torah, and ensure the victory and safety of our nation.

The new features include a dedicated number for submitting names via WhatsApp or sending pictures of names filled out on the cards, convenient payment methods through Cash App and PayPal, resources for every Shliach via their Chabad One account, and a 24/6 hotline.

Campaign organizers have also released three astonishing videos showcasing incredible miracles during the Simchas Torah attack, as well as behind-the-scenes footage of the rescue mission that liberated soldier Ori Megidish, held hostage by Hamas.

In the Rebbe’s words:

“When reading the news, one immediately sees that the entire world is in a situation of ‘shaking,’ about to dissolve… To save the world from this precarious situation, there needs to be true Jewish unity. The way to accomplish this is for every single Jew to buy a letter in the Sefer Torah!” (Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecha 5742)

“Do not fear this unprecedented painful time (עת צרה)… ‘At that time, your nation who is inscribed in the book will be saved.’ This refers to all those who have a letter in the Sefer Torah; they will be saved from the עת צרה! It is therefore crucial for every Jew to buy a letter in the Torah!” (Shabbos Parshas Miketz 5742)

“In the present situation, when the world is shaking and trembling to the point that there are events occurring which one would never have envisioned, as we see clearly lately… It is therefore understood how important and necessary it is to be involved in uniting the Jewish people by including every Jew in the Sefer Torah.” (Shabbos Parshas Hazinu 5742)

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