Rabbi Kotlarsky Makes Unprecedented Call For Unity, Invites Non-Shluchim In Hafatza To Kinus Melava Malka
by CrownHeights.info
In an unprecedented call for unity this Kinus, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky published a letter to Shluchim calling for reconciliation and Achdus this year, encouraging Shluchim to discuss the possibility of non-Shluchim involved in Hafatza to be recognized as authorized Shluchim.
“In light of the situation in Eretz Yisroel and for Acheinu Beis Yisroel around the world during these challenging times, we are all striving to strengthen our Avodas Hashlichus in accordance with the Rebbe’s directives, along with increasing harmony and Achdus among the family of Shluchim worldwide,” Rabbi Kotlarsky wrote in his letter. “Towards this end, we encourage Chassidim and Shluchim across the globe to explore ways to enhance the Shalom and Achdus among us.”
While calls for unity are normal and have been expressed for years, Rabbi Kotlarsky took the bold step of calling for action towards such unity, saying “If your region, state, or city, have Rabbonim or Askanim active in Hafatza, yet are not authorized as shluchim; we recommend and encourage you to discuss with them the feasibility of recognizing them as authorized shluchim, on a case by case basis.”
This outright call to take unifying action is unprecedented.
Yet Rabbi Kotlarsky did not stop there and made the “first move” by inviting those committed to Achdus to the Motzei Shabbos Melava Malka.
“Should you feel that there are those in your region that are committed to engaging in this process of reconciliation, you may feel free to invite them to the Kinus Melava Malka session on Motzei Shabbos at a reduced rate,” he wrote. “This should be done with the understanding that they commit to engage in a mediation and reconciliation process following the Kinus, in the spirit of Shalom and Achdus.”
This call for Achdus closely follows another recent letter released by two Shluchim in Pittsburgh, PA whom announced reconciliation following years of discontent.
Achdus is spreading in Lubavitch.
Read The Full Test of Rabbi Kotlarsky’s Letter Below:
Dear Fellow Shluchim,
In light of the situation in Eretz Yisroel and for Acheinu Beis Yisroel around the world during these challenging times, we are all striving to strengthen our Avodas Hashlichus in accordance with the Rebbe’s directives, along with increasing harmony and Achdus among the family of Shluchim worldwide.
Towards this end, we encourage Chassidim and Shluchim across the globe to explore ways to enhance the Shalom and Achdus among us. If your region, state, or city, have Rabbonim or Askanim active in Hafatza, yet are not authorized as shluchim; we recommend and encourage you to discuss with them the feasibility of recognizing them as authorized shluchim, on a case by case basis. Following the Kinus, we will inform you of various resources for mediation that will be made available to assist you in this regard.
Should you feel that there are those in your region that are committed to engaging in this process of reconciliation, you may feel free to invite them to the Kinus Melava Malka session on Motzei Shabbos at a reduced rate. This should be done with the understanding that they commit to engage in a mediation and reconciliation process following the Kinus, in the spirit of Shalom and Achdus.
May we hear and share Besuros Tovos from Eretz Yisroel and Jewish communities around the world very soon.
Looking forward to greeting you at the Kinus,
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky
What a shame
They are inviting them for Motzei Shabbos, so they should not go to the Melava Malka in 770.
Why don’t they invite them to the Sunday banquet?
Before adding those whom until now were not called shluchim, you must finally acknowledge all the current shluchim who are listening exactly to the words of the Rebbe MHM and are publicizing to the world who the navi of this generation is so that people can know who Moshiach is and get ready and accept the Rebbe as Moshiach. Can the 2 groups sit togsther and read the נא-נב sichos TOGETHER!!!!