Registration For The Kinus Hashluchim 5784 Opens


Registration for the Kinus Hashluchim 5784 has officially opened, with emails sent to Shluchim across the world and excitement building.

The email, sent out Monday, begins by pointing out the difficult situation taking place in Eretz Yisroel and noting that the Shluchim are working tirelessly on the front times.

“Although we are in pain, it is our responsibility as Chassidim and Shluchim to bring Simcha and Bitachon to our fellow brothers and sisters wherever they may be,” the Vaad Hakinus wrote. “We need to urge an increase in Torah, Tefilah and Tzedaka which will help bring salvation to Am Yisrael.”

The needs of the moment fit well with the theme of this year’s Kinus;

“אויפהויבן עצמו, סביבתו, וכל העולם כולו” Beginning with ones’ self, ones’ immediate environment, and eventually the world at large.

The Kinus workshops, sessions, farbrengens, and roundtables will be dedicated to this theme as the Kinus aims to strengthen the Shluchim in carrying out this mandate granted by the Rebbe.

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