Jewish Community in Moscow Unites in Prayer
In the wake of the difficult situation in our Holy Land, which began with the terrible tragedy on Shmini Atzeret, a large public gathering of prayer was held in Moscow for the many wounded and those in captivity. The assembly was held at the initiative of Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, although he personally was prevented from participating due to medical reasons.
Hundreds of people from all backgrounds joined in solidarity and empathy at the gathering which was held in the courtyard of the Jewish Tolerance Museum and Jewish Chesed Center in the Marina Roscha neighborhood. The event was opened and emceed by Rabbi Boruch Gorin, spokesperson of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia.
“Kel Malei Rachamim” was recited by Rabbi Zalman Shimon Deren, Secretary of Russia’s Chief Rabbinate. Rabbi Alexander Boroda, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia, was called up to light a candle in memory of all those who were murdered while sanctifying Hashem’s name.
“Mi Sheberach” for all the wounded and captives was recited by Rabbi Mordechai Weisberg, Director of the Jewish Communities in Moscow.
Chapters of Tehillim were read by Rabbi Michoel Mishulovin of the Bolshaya Bronnaya Chabad House.
The event was reviewed and broadcast by the general press and was secured by the Moscow police in full coordination with the administration and Jewish community leaders.
The Jewish institutions throughout Russia also increased their security measures during the past week.
An alumnae of Moscow’s Cheder Menachem, Eliav Emil Samuylov Hy”d, was killed last Shabbos while serving in the IDF and defending his brothers. His family who are sitting shiva received a letter of condolences from Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar. The entire community united in learning mishnayos in his memory until the Shloshim.
On erev Shabbos a formal letter from Russia’s Rabbis was publicized calling all Jewish women and girls to light Shabbos candles, and all Jewish men to come daven in shul.
The Shaarey Tzedek Chessed Center has opened a call center for emotional support as well as physical assistance for families whose loved ones are currently in the Holy Land, in addition to continuing and increasing their ongoing relief activities for the general public.