Devastating: Ohr Avner Graduates Fall in Battle; Hundreds Attend Funerals
With profound sorrow, we announce the tragic loss of two cherished graduates of our FJC’s ‘Or Avner’ Jewish educational network in the former Soviet Union and Israel, who fell in battle while protecting the people and land of Israel: Second Lieutenant Dmitry (Shlomo) Reshetnikov HYD, and Lieutenant Colonel Eli-Amil Samuelov HYD. Hundreds paid their respects by attending their funerals.
Lieutenant Colonel Eli-Amil Samuelov, may his memory be a blessing, was a beloved student at FJC’s ‘Or Avner’ Jewish educational institutions in Moscow. After graduating, he made Aliya to Israel and joined the IDF. He was killed at the Gaza border while fighting Hamas terrorists and defending his brethren.
Apart from his immediate family, he had very few relatives in Israel. Nevertheless, hundreds, who had no prior acquaintance with him, honored his memory by attending his funeral.
Second Lieutenant Dmitry (Shlomo) Reshetnikov, may his memory be a blessing (OBM), was a beloved and admired native of Volgograd, Russia. He made Aliya to Israel and studied in ‘Or Avner’ of Kfar Sitrin. Dima perished in battle while serving in the IDF in the fight against terrorism. The Jewish community of Volgograd released the following message:
“While defending Israel from the hands of terrorists, for his people and his country, a soldier of Platoon 51 GOLANI, a former Volgograd resident, a former student of the OR AVNER school, and an activist of the ENERJEW-Volgograd project, Dmitry (Shlomo) Reshetnikov, died in battle,” the community’s message states.
Our hearts are with the families who sacrificed what was most important to them, giving their lives for the sanctification of G-d’s Name to protect our nation. May their memory be a blessing.
Hashem Yakum Damam