Tishrei in Lubavitch: Now What?
Thousands of guests this Tishrei will turn to Vaad Hatmimim.
The numbers are simply astronomical!
Hundreds of beds.
Thousands of meals.
Daily Shiurim, Farbrengens, programs, inspirational panels and lectures, daily transport to and from the Ohel, and the list goes on.
Every year, the month of Tishrei sees thousands of Chassidim from around the world descend upon Crown Heights, to spend yomtov in Lubavitch, in the “Daled Amos” of the Rebbe.
And every year, Vaad Hatmimim steps up to the challenge, making sure each and every guest is cared for.
The Rebbe’s guests are OUR guests, and this year is set to be the biggest year ever.
As residents of Crown Heights, it is a privilege to live near 770. But for the many who venture out halfway across the globe to spend a few precious days with the Rebbe, the opportunity is truly once in a lifetime, and the inspiration can carry them through an entire year.
Vaad Hatmimim makes sure their needs are met, the responsibility is on all of us to make sure that the needs of Vaad Hatmimim are met.
Partnering with Vaad Hatmimim in hosting the Rebbe’s guests is indeed, partnering with the Rebbe.