‘Songs of Awe’, Some Of The Most Classic Chabad Niggunim of the Yomim Noraim
Just in time for Yomim Noroim a new series ‘Songs of Awe’ – some of the most classic Chabad Nigunim, will get you into the spirit of the Yom Tov – the days of awe. The negunim are sung by Chazzan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz and Sholom Lieberman.
An unplugged piano & voice combination to make a perfect soulful and relaxing tone for some of the most majestic songs within the machzor.
One specific song that stands out is Yaaleh. Not the famous old Chabad Niggun Yaaleh, but rather a lesser known Yaaleh composed by R’ Sholom Charitonow. A niggun often sung without the words at farbrengens, which called for the title “Yaaleh (Farbrengen)”. There are a many versions of the niggun, but this one combines the words of Yaaleh, to sing it Yom Kippur Night and the way it’s sung at farbrenegs.
Available now on all streaming platforms Songs of Awe is worth the listen. So get in the mood, get in the mindset, and have a Ksiva V’chasima Tova and a happy sweet new year!
This project is in memory of לע”נ חיים מאיר הלוי בן אלתר ישכר דב ז”ל.
Listen on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/album/3iucqLzt1FWiUVEO5gQYJR?si=LT8xr2J6Rt-NCVdhKodzjQ&nd=1