Theme For The Kinus Hashluchim 5784 Announced


“אויפהויבן עצמו, סביבתו, וכל העולם כולו” Beginning with ones’ self, ones’ immediate environment, and eventually the world at large.

The theme of the upcoming Kinus Hashluchim 5784 has been announced as preparations are underway for what is gearing up to be another record breaking year.

Based on several sichos where the Rebbe addresses the role of Shluchim and charges them to uplift, the year’s themes is “אויפהויבן עצמו, סביבתו, וכל העולם כולו” , “Beginning with ones’ self, ones’ immediate environment, and eventually the world at large.”

“It all begins with us—with uplifting ourselves,” the vaad Hakinus wrote in an article to the Shluchim. “When we work on ourselves, elevating and transforming our personal avodas Hashem and our hiskashrus to the Rebbe, we effect our surroundings. In turn, it starts impacting the people around us, and eventually extends to wider circles, until we are able to transform the entire world.”

The Kinus workshops, sessions, farbrengens, and roundtables will be dedicated to this theme as the Kinus aims to strengthen the Shluchim in carrying out this mandate granted by the Rebbe.

Registration for this year’s Kinus Hashluchim is set to open B’ezras Hashem on Tuesday, Chof Vov Elul, 5783 (September 12, 2023).

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