Seize the Last Moments of Shnas Hakhel

In recent days, a Michtov Kloli (general letter) of the Rebbe dated from “the days of Selichos 5727” has been circulating. Addressed to “The Sons and Daughters of our people Israel, Everywhere,” the letter is not at all uncommon for the end of Elul. However, this letter carries a special, timely message. Just like this year, the letter was written at the conclusion of a Hakhel year.

In the letter, the Rebbe delves into the idea of concluding a year of Hakhel while preparing for a new and better year and the message and lesson we can take from this. The letter concludes, “This year, at the conclusion of the Hakhel Year, every Jew must undertake a special “stock-checking” in the spirit of Hakhel…” followed by a clear list of suggested resolutions for every person to take upon themselves in connection with the end of the Hakhel year and the start of the new year.

As we near a similar time, the letter serves as a strong reminder that we have a few more days in the important and special year of Hakhel. 

As expressed in the Farbrengen of Shabbos Parshas Eikev, Mevorchim HaChodesh Elul 5748, where the Rebbe urges Chassidim to be active in gathering and inspiring Yidden in the spirit of Hakhel, stating, “Especially, that now only one month remains – the final month of the Hakhel Year… we must seize the moment…”

To assist you in utilizing every last moment of the Hakhel year, Or Vechom Hahiskashrus is pleased to present our Hakhel resource site, filled with hundreds of pages of content in English, Yiddish, and Hebrew. 

The site includes a large selection of the Rebbe’s Sichos on Hakhel along with practical suggestions and resources to assist you in implementing your very own Hakhel gathering with your family, friends and co-workers. 

Also featured is a large collection of reading materialvideos and a section dedicated to child-friendly material.

Browse the site at

To read the full letter, visit

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