Children of Pittsburgh Gather For Tzivos Hashem Rally in Memory of Sholom Ber Markel OBM
by CrownHeights.info
Jewish children from across the Pittsburgh area gathered Monday, Chai Elul, for a Tzivos Hashem Rally in memory of a friend, Sholom Ber Markel OBM.
Sholom Ber Markel, who passed away over the summer following a tragic incident, was a devoted soldier in Hashem’s Army. As his mother told during the event, he made a special request of his mother, asking for a 12 Pesukim card.
The Rally took place in the main shul at Lubavitch Center, where the children said the Pesukim, sang Negunim, watched a special video presentation, and received a 12 Pesukim card courtesy of the Markel family.
The Rally was also done in commemoration of the Yartzeit of Rafi Estrin OBM and for the Refuah Sheleima of Harav Yosef Yitzchak ben Sima Chasyah.