Moishy Goldstein Releases New Single ‘Only You’

Music producer and singer Moishy Goldstein of Music Studio NYC released a new single ‘Only You’ which is a new, bilingual version of the beloved song ‘Ein Aroch Lecha’ (Michoel Streicher).

The heartfelt Tefillah from the Shabbos prayers, expresses our sole reliance on Hashem both in this world and in the World to Come, when we will be reunited with our loved ones who have passed.

Goldstein dedicates the release of this song which speaks of Techiyas Hameisim in loving memory of his uncle Rabbi Yitzchok Goldstein OBM, Shliach of the Rebbe to Madrid, Spain.

The song can also be streamed on Spotify and Apple Music

English Lyrics:
There’s no one, no one like You
In this world, only You
There’s no one, no one but You
Our loving King, Malkeinu

Only you can redeem us
You can bring us to our home
Only you hear our cries
Bring back the lives in the world come

Vocals: Moishy Goldstein
Music, Recording and Video: Music Studio NYC
Based on: Ein Aroch Lecha (Michoel Streicher), composed by Benny Hershkowitz OBM