Expand770: 35 Years Since The Groundbreaking

This Sunday will mark 35 years since the groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion of 770, which took place on the 17th of Elul, 5748.

A friend of mine was in Israel a few months ago when he overheard a few Chassidim from another Chassidic group talking amongst themselves about a rumor that some people are trying to expand 770.

He heard one of the Chassidim say, “It will never happen. If the Rebbe wanted it, it would have already happened.”

When Shmuel Hanavi asked Shaul Hamelech if he had followed Hashem’s commandment to wipe out Amalek, Shaul responded that he thought it would be better to bring the animals as korbanos instead of just killing them.

Shmuel responded [1], “הנה שמע מזבח טוב” – “Obedience is better than a peace offering.”

Would anyone dare to think that the reason Moshiach has not arrived is because Hashem didn’t truly want it to happen?!

The Rebbe gave directives to expand 770 and even participated physically in starting the expansion.

It doesn’t need to make sense to us, nor do we need to wait until we believe the time is right. When the Rebbe instructs us to do something, we obey.

All of our ideas about what we believe would be the right way to do it and how we could beautifully honor the Rebbe pale in comparison to actually listening to the Rebbe.

In this week’s Chassidishe parsha, the Alter Rebbe brings [2] a parable about a king who is constructing a magnificent building. It’s impossible for the king’s subjects to understand his wisdom and vision for the project until the building is completed.

Why have we been stalling for 35 years?

During the month of Elul [3], the month of reckoning, we identify the deficiencies in ourselves and in our service and correct them.

Let’s conduct a thorough assessment of the past 35 years since the expansion began and take the necessary steps to finally correct ourselves and get it done!

Join our efforts to promote and encourage the expansion of 770 today.

Show your support at Expand770.com.

Wishing you a “כתיבה וחתימה טובה,” a “לשנה טובה ומתוקה” with the expansion of 770 and Moshiach now,

Levi Jacobson

[1] Shmuel I 15:22

[2] Likutei Torah Devarim 41:3

[3] Hayom Yom 27 Menachem Av

One Comment

  • all talk no do!

    Not going to happen in our lifetime oo many obstacles the ones in power starting from the top don’t want it!Solve the Krinsky Gaboyim dilemma Make major changes elect new cc 2 new unconnected Rabbonim