From Pudong – to Phuket, The Greenberg’s Restart Their Shlichus In Thailand

After 17 years of Shlichus in Pudong – China, the Jewish community dispersed as a result of Covid-19. As Chassidim of the Rebbe, Rabbi Avraham and Nechamie Greenberg and their eleven children are not backing down, and are starting a new Shlichus in Phuket, Thailand.

The last three years in China were unbelievably challenging. Most foreigners left the Shanghai and Pudong area, and the few local Jews who remained were completely cut off from the wider world. For about six months the Greenberg’s themselves faced quarantine without the possibility of leaving their house.

Even during those extremely difficult times they persevered, with the Rebbe’s brachos, to keep the embers of Judaism in Shanghai alive. Using every tool at their disposal, they remarkably managed to lead minyanim, Torah classes, Bar Mitzvah celebrations and children’s activities. Even during the great lockdown, when the 28 million residents of Shanghai were locked in their homes for long months, and transportation and delivery services were shut down, the Greenberg’s made sure that every Jew in Shanghai had Matzah for Pesach.

Now, after the “dust of the Corona storm” has settled, more than 90 percent of the Jewish community in the wider Shanghai area have left, and the numbers are even worse in Pudong. It has unfortunately become increasingly clear that there is no longer a need for a second Chabad House in the Shanghai area and that the Greenberg’s energy and talent would best be served elsewhere.

Rabbi Avraham & Nechami Greenberg, together with their children, felt that simply “Returning” from Shlichus, is out of the question!

In consultation with Mashpi’im and Yedidim Mevinim, the Greenberg’s decided to start a new Shlichus. Together with their eleven children, they are moving from Pudong to Phuket, where they have been invited by the local Shliach, Rabbi Shalom Glitzenshtein, to establish a new Chabad house for the developing local community in Phuket, in addition to the existing Chabad house which mainly services tourists.

With the support and assistance of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor of Chabad of Thailand, friends and family are coming together to participate, and call on Anash and Shluchim worldwide to join together and help the Greenberg’s restart their new Shlichus. The goal is to raise $360,000. These funds are very needed and extremely critical to help start this Shlichus.

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