Top Notch Teacher Training Course Reaches Far and Wide
If teacher training transforms the classroom, then better training will certainly lead to even better results. Now, thanks to the Lubavitch Chinuch Organization Igud Hamelamdim, over 200 new and returning teachers have undergone superior training by experts in chinuch.
The course has earned the praise of teachers and principals for its time-honored methods, lucid delivery, and down-to-earth guidance. Numerous graduates of the course have already been placed in schools around the country.
Over this summer, thirty motivated participants have gathered in person or tuned in via video feed, to invest in top-notch Chinuch, covering every area of the classroom and beyond through Igud Hamelamdim’s comprehensive “Hachshara Lamelamdim” Teacher Training Course.
The course includes five top presenters: Rabbi Michel Rottenberg, renowned mechanech and coach; Rabbi Michoel Gourarie of Sydney, Australia, veteran mechanech and trainer; Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig, menahel Oholei Torah; Rabbi Mendel Klyne, Menahel – Cheder Chabad Detroit; and Rabbi Shmuel Wagner, mechanech – ULY Ocean Parkway.
Notable among the attendees was a group of mechanchim from Melbourne, Australia, and a group from Baltimore, MD. These mechanchim who had already been teaching in the classroom for several years, decided to improve their teaching by joining the course, and they were astounded by its clarity and practicality.
Another outstanding group came from other chassidishe kehilos who had learned about the quality course and decided to join. As the Rebbe told Rabbi Shmuel Chefer, dean of the Beis Rivkah seminary in Kfar Chabad, in a Tishrei 5721 yechidus: “There will come a time when everyone will come to Chabad for chinuch matters.”
The popular course covers the fundamentals that every teacher should know, such as preparing and presenting an engaging and comprehensible lesson, motivating students to love learning, and creating a positive and productive school atmosphere.
“We spare no effort in reaching our goal of providing the very best Chinuch skills and methodology,” says Rabbi Avrohom Bluming, director of Igud Hamelamdim. The organization states its mission – to support, inspire and empower teachers, giving them all the tools they need to optimize their classroom teaching. It instills in teachers a revitalized pride in belonging to the select cadre of individuals who are dedicated to the holiest mission of all.
Graduates gathered on Zoom for a Siyum ceremony marking the conclusion of the course, where they were addressed with inspiring words by the presenters, as well as a special guest of honor Rabbi Moshe Wolberg, longtime maggid shiur and today a Rosh yeshiva in Kfar Chabad, who, in his inimitable style, explained the “geder” of a mechanech and what it means in practice.
Graduate Rabbi Avrohom Cadaner spoke at the siyum on behalf of all the other graduates. He noted that although many of the topics are familiar to one who is involved in chinuch, the fresh perspective and tools gained at the course were exceptional.
The 5783 course graduates are Rabbis: Menachem Marmulszteyn, Menachem Cadaner, Yehuda Gorkin, Naftali Salzman, Yossef Milan, Levi Shuchat, Yehoshua Korenblit, Yisroel Haller, Avraham Kroll, Yechiel Schanowitz, Eliezer Wulliger, Menachem chazan, Menachem Pinson, Yisrael Menachem Mendel Eliashiv, Menachem Sufrin, Yudi Green, Levi Morozow, Levik Gourarie, Menachem Namirovski, Yisrael MM Eliyashiv, Menachem Sorkin, Reuven Mizrachi, Menachem Cohen, Yehoshua Laufer, Yitzchak Rahav, Yanky Werner, Levi Zirkind, Menachem Mendel Wolowick, Moshe Teitelbaum.