Rare Picture of the Rebbe Surfaces From Gan Yisroel in 1960
A rare photo believed to be from Gan Yisroel 5720/1960 has surfaced showing the Rebbe speaking during a visit. Holding the microphone for the Rebbe is a young Rabbi Meir Harlig.
Know anyone information or anyone else in the photo, please leave a comment with the information in the comments below.
Right to left:
Rabbi Mottel Toloshevsky (facing away from the camera), Rabbi Chodokov, ?, Rabbi Simpson, Rabbi Zalmanov, The Rebbe, Rabbi Meir Harlig (holding the microphone), Rabbi Mentlick (behind Rabbi Harlig), Rabbi Groner, Rabbi Holtzman, and Rabbi Simcha Piekarski.
1st on right (side profile) seems to be Rabbi Sholom Posner. 2nd from left might be Yisroel Duchman
Based on other pictures of this event, it appears that the unidentified person, is Rabbi Velvel Kazinitz
Ich Vais...
Ah yeah nu! Left to right was…. Filchik Pezner, Chaim Mayer Nemenov, Bumy Chatzkel Majortick, Elleh Piltchick Levilov, and…. Bertchikeh Machinovietzkaleh!
That wasn’t Elleh Piltchick Levilov! That was FULLEH Piltchick. His father was a talmud by Meleeh Melkeh Marozov.