BDE: Rabbi Yitzchok Goldstein, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Yitzchok Goldstein OBM, the Shliach of the Rebbe to Madrid, Spain. He passed away on Wednesday, the 29th of Av, 5783.
In 1977 Rabbi Goldstein was sent by the Rebbe to be the Shliach in Madrid, Spain. He worked closely with the local communities spreading yiddishkeit and fulfilling the Rebbe’s mission for more than 46 years.
He is survived by his wife Mrs. Meyta Shifra Goldstein and children; Shneur Zalman Goldstein (Madrid, Spain), Mendel Goldstein (Crown Heights), Shmuel Goldstein (Crown Heights), Sholom Ber Goldstein (Postville, IA), Alter Goldstein (Grenoble, France), Levi Goldstein (Israel), Yisroel Goldstein (Crown Heights), Dini Anton (Bala Cynwyd, PA), Chaya Junik (Crown Heights), Rivka Roth (Monsey, NY), Sara Goldstein (Florida), Devorah Leah Gopin (Crown Heights), Hinda Levin (Bet Shemesh, Israel), and many grandchildren.
The Lavaya will take place on Monday ד’ אלול, beginning at Shomrei Hadas in Boro Park at 11:00am, with the Levaya passing by 770 at approximately 12:00pm and Kevurah at Montefiore Cemetery.
Shiva information to be announced.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
What a special person!!
He lives on through his wonderful children
May their family find comfort
Rajel Tirri Foster
Baruj Dayan HaEmet. Que Hakadosh Baruj Hu guarde su alma para la vida eterna y le de ell consuelo a su esposa y hijos que sólo Él puede darles.
He was a very kind gentleman and my first introduction to CHABAD. I was a student in Madrid Spain in January 1989 and went to Shul by myself as my grandfather had passed on in US. He met me with open arms. He was kind enough to invite me to his house that Shabbat and every Shabbat thereafter. He invited all the study abroad students and tourists for Passover..
He was a very kind gentleman and my first introduction into CHABAD. I was a student in Madrid Spain in January 1989 and went to Shul on Shabbat by myself, in honor of my grandfather who had passed away in the US. The only person that was kind enough to welcome me with a big smile and open arms was him. He invited me and all other students to his house for every Shabbat thereafter.