BDE: Mrs. Shifra Schanowitz, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Shifra Schanowitz OBM, a long time resident of Crown Heights and matriarch of a large Lubavitch family. She passed away on Sunday, the 19th of Av, 5783.
Shifra was one of the early returnees to Jewish observance in the late 40’s and early 50s’ and kept her passion for Torah and Mitzvot untill her very end. Her parents immigrated from Poland in the 30’s.
After attending release time, a Rabbi Davis’s influence and some self searching, she enrolled at Bais Yaakov of Williamsburg.
She married her late husband Reb Azriel who came from Russia in 1954 and together they were zoche to have the Rebbe be their Mesader Kiddushin. She was a most dedicated and devoted mother to tweilve, children many of whom are now Shlucim and Shluchis. She raised her children with softness and kindness.
Shifra had a strong love and attachment for the Rebbe. On one occasion the Rebbe stopped reading the tzetil of her husband to greet her as she walked in the room behind her family. On another occasion the Rebbe turned to her and asked if she could find a Shidduch among her acquaintances for a certain individual.
She was always very hospitable to guests who enjoyed her company and Shabbos cooking. She was secretary for Nshei Chabad for some time and distributed notices for Friday night speakers at Oneg Shabbos.
Shifra was close to Rebbetzin Mentlik A”H who together would do Hafroshas Challa at bakeries. She helped at Bikur Cholim and sewed tachrichim for Chevra Kaddisha. People reffered to her as a Tzadekes who was known to help Holocaust survivors.
She is survived by her children; Rabbi Yosef Schanowitz (Highland Park, IL), Rabbi Mayer Schanowitz (Chicago, IL), Mrs. Leah Engel (Denver, CO), Mrs. Shterna Edelman (Brunoy, France), Mrs. Rivkah Vogel (San Jose, CA), Rabbi Levi Schanowitz (Crown Heights), Mrs. Rochel Polter (Oak Park, MI), Rabbi Shmuel Schanowitz (Buffalo, NY), Rabbi Yisroel Schanowitz (Las Vegas, NV), Rabbi Chaim Schanowitz (San Deigo, CA), and Mrs. Nechama Dina Gansburg (Aubervilliers, France).
She was predeceased by her husband in 2016 and daughter, Mrs. Hindy Scheiman OBM in 2013.
The Levaya will take place today, Sunday, passibg by 770 at approximately 3:00pm with Kevurah at Montefiore Cemetery.
Shiva information to be announced.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Angela Zinger
Please accept our deepest condolences May her Neshama have the highest Aliyah ?