Tisha B’Av Evening Shiur on Zoom With Rabbi Nissen Mangel
There will be an English Tisha B’Av Shiur on Zoom by Rabbi Nissen Mangel, this Wednesday night, the 9th of Menachem Av, July 26th, starting at 10:15pm after after Maariv – Eicha.
There are very few Torah subjects that can be learned on the solemn day of Tisha B’Av. In past years Rabbi Mangel would present an engaging shiur that wove the relevant Torah topics that are appropriate to be learned on Tisha B’Av into a theme that was both hopeful and engaging. Due to popular demand, Rabbi Mangel will once again present an inspiring shiur in English, based on Gemorah Gittin, Midrash Eicha and various Chassidishe sources. The shiur will be broadcast on Zoom.
Use ZOOM access:
meeting ID: 613 770 1800
password: 1800
Other popular shiurim by Rabbi Mangel can also be accessed on Zoom on a first come-first served basis:
Ein Yaakov Shiur: Sunday Evening 8 – 9:30 pm
Gemorah Shiur: Thursday Evenings 8:30 – 9:30
Rabbi Nissan Mangel is a Holocaust survivor, noted scholar, lecturer, author and an authority on Chabad Chassidus and Kabbolah. Rabbi Mangel worked for many years as a translator and writer for Kehot Publication Society, among his notable translations are the Tehillat Hashem prayer book and the Tanya.
May we merit to see Moshiach and the 3rd Beis HaMikdosh before Tisha B’Av.